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Thank you so much for your prayers. These are the prayer topics for this month.

1. 8 children in <Mongol Kids’ Home> and 15 children in <Gate of Hope> to grow well both physically, mentally and spiritually.
2. Mongolian Team and workers to be strengthened from above.
3. Preparation and selection of single mothers to accommodate.
4. Professional Strategist and teachers for hiring.
5. Renovation to be completed as soon as possible before temperature drops. For workers for the construction.
6. All the necessity to be filled for the construction and preparation for winter.


Mongol Kids' Home Project

事務局所在地/Our office

▶︎日本事務局/Japan Office

  〒270-1335 千葉県印西市原2−1、F−421高見澤方/F-421, 2-1, Hara, Inzai-shi, Chiba, Japan

  070-3288-7740(日本国内から/In Japan)

  +81-70-3288−7740(海外から/From abroad)(Japanese&English)

▶︎韓国事務局/Korea Office

  용인시 수지구 용구대로2801번길 41 벽산아파트402-708

  402-708, Byoksan Apt., 41, Yonggu-daero 2801 beon-gil, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

    010-6240-0321(韓国内から/In Korea)(Japanese&Korean)

▶︎メールアドレス/E-mail Address

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Mongol Kids' Home (Support Manhole Children) is a non-profit organization based on Christian (biblical) principles.

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