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1. Pray that each manhole child can live their lives that were given from God to their full potential
2. Pray that all the people involved in this project will seek the will of God, and play their roles according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit
3. Pray that God will provide all the resources, both human and material, that are necessary for this project. Especially, God to provide professionals who can provide care for the homeless children and Mongolian volunteers who have heart for this project.
4. Pray that God’s blessing to be upon The Glory of the Lord Community Church in Mongol.
5. Pray that God will be glorified through this project.

​몽골 키즈 홈 프로젝트

Mongol Kids’ Home Project

사무국 소재지

*일본 사무국

270-1335 지바현 인자이시하라 2-1, F-421 타카미자와 에이코 쪽

(영어)F-421, 2-1, Hara, Inzai-shi, Chiba, Japan, 270-1335

070-3288-7740(일본 내에서)

+81-70-3288-7740(해외에서)(일본어 & 영어)


용인시 수지구 용구대로 2801번길 41 벽산아파트 402-708 오사라쿄코 쭉

(영어)402-708, Byoksan Apt., 41, Yonggu-daero 2801 beon-gil, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

010-6240-0321(한국 내)(일본어 & 한국어) 

*메일 주소

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「​몽골 키즈 홈」(맨홀·칠드런을 지지하는 모임)은 기독교(성경)의 정신에 근거해 활동하는 비영리 임의 단체입니다.

Mongol Kids' Home (Support Manhole Children) is a non-profit organization based on Christian (biblical) principles.

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